Monday, March 30, 2009

Coffee table dog.

Some people have coffee table books...we have a coffee table dog.

Baby pics coming soon!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Too Cool!

More of the dynamic duo

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Funny Face

Monday, March 16, 2009

Walking in Style

Even though trees are starting to bud here in Philly, the air still has a slight winter chill . Thank goodness Hope's Grammy Kessler is a whiz with knitting needles, and made her this beautiful, cozy sweater. It is the perfect thing to wear for our daily walk along the avenue.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Girl - Dog - Mirror

The raspberries contest

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Morning Beauty Rituals with Hope and Shorty

One of my biggest worries throughout the whole adoption process was how Shorty was going to react to another baby in our lives (he is our first baby). Well, I'm happy to say that things are going pretty well. Aside from the pathetic, guilt-wrenching looks directed at me, Shorty seems to be okay with Hope. He is actually pretty protective over her; he even runs to her side when she cries and tries to lick her.

In order to keep him from feeling neglected, we try to include him in as much baby stuff as possible. We make sure that he seated right by Hope's highchair, so we can give him treats while we feed her, and I have included him in Hope's morning grooming rituals. Unfortunately, Shorty enjoys sitting on the diaper changing pad more than Hope does. Below are some pictures from this morning's beauty session and some cute pics of Hope(a.k.a. Jane Fonda) in her leg warmers.

Hopi -Wan Kenobi and Yoda

Let's get physical...physical

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Give "Peas" a Chance.

Last week, Hope was seen at the Children's Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. She was evaluated by the International Adoption Clinic, and they were very impressed by her social and physical development. They said that she was right on target with everything, with one exception. Her ability to sit up is more in line with a 5 month old than an 8 month old. As far as her social development, she is doing great. She is really attaching to the two of us, and she is doing well around our friends and family members. They did say that she is malnourished, and they advised us to start her on baby food. After a week and a half of baby food trial and error, we finally found Hope's favorite food...sweet peas. Here are some pictures from yesterday's lunch.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

More Pictures

One day I will write about our adventures...I promise. For now, you will all have to settle for pictures.