Wow...2 months and no posting. I'm going to blame my laziness on the winter doldrums. Well, the snow is now long gone, and we are enjoying the beautiful warm weather. So, no more excuses for me.
I'm happy to report that Hope officially became our daughter on March 23, 2010. That's right...our re-adoption finally went through, after 6 months of waiting for a court date. You gotta love Philadelphia's legal system. Below are a couple of pics from the big day.
Hope is doing great. She is currently taking a tumbling class and a music class. She's a little soft on the tumbling, but she loves her music class. She loves to stand in front of the instructor and dance away.
She's also been doing a lot of talking. She is obsessed with our neighbor, Charlotte, and we hear Char-char around the clock. Short stack (our dog)and Suz-suz (our other neighbor)are among her other favorite words. Occasionally, we do get to hear a Mama and Daddy, so I guess we can't complain.
Now what you've been waiting for...the cute pics.