Sunday, August 3, 2008

Baby Einstein

We are finally making some progress on the nursery, and Einstein thinks that we are creating a room just for him. He refuses to get off of the day bed.

I'm almost done with my tree, but it still needs a second coat. I'm pretty please with how it turned out. I'll keep posting pics as the room comes together. Decorating has really helped us stay occupied as we wait for our referral.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Must See TV!

Tonight is the TV premiere of "Long Way Down" a ten episode series, that chronicles the motorcycle journey of Ewan McGregor (Star Wars/Moulin Rouge) from Scottland to South Africa. I saw the trailor for this show, and I think it will appeal to all of us adopting from Ethiopia.

The show is being broadcast on Fox Reality at 9pm EST.

Ewan recently put out the following public service announcement for UNICEF. I found this on Perez Hilton (one of my guilty pleasures).